Goodbye Xtra Mile Laureate Chris T-T – Xtra Mile Recordings XMR HUB (4 August 2017)

I write, edit, and commission fan content for the XMR HUB on, the official site for the UK independent record label featuring acts like Frank Turner, Against Me!, Skinny Lister, Will Varley, and loads more.

Chris T-T has been with the label since 2008, and has just announced he's winding up his 20-year career with some final shows, and the May release of his Best Of. It took me a couple of months to put it into words, but I managed to get together a personal piece on his music and what it means to me. It's a sad thing that he's finishing up this stage of his musical life, but I'm excited to see what he does next. It'll be great I'm sure. People seemed to like this one, so hopefully anyone else reading this will too.